SCribdWednesday’s: Part 1

Hello Hoomans!

I’ve been using the Scribd app for four years now and I love the subscription! For $8.99 a month (4500 give or take Nigerian niara) you get access to loads of audio books, ebooks, magazines, documents, podcasts, comics and mangas and even sheet music!

I decided to do a Scribd Wednesday on the first Wednesday of every month. I will recommend a mix of Podcasts, comics and ebooks you can read/listen to on the app. It would be a short list so five mixes, i think that would be enough to give you inspiration if you are looking for something to read for the month. If you want more added on the list please let me know i would be happy to recommend more!

So For this month, i’ll recommend the following

  • The Atlas Obscura Podcast: if you are feeling bogged down inside the house or you can’t travel yet because of the panorama going on, listen to this and go on adventures with the host. Heck i also recommend writing down some of the places you might want to visit. [podcast]
  • For History buffs I recommend: Blood and Iron: the rise and fall of the German Empire by Katja Hoyer [E-book]. My brother and i were discussing about Germany and it former glory, and then i went on Scribd and found this book. I want to read this book because i am curious about who the Germans were and if its possible that they return to their old seat of power…what would that mean for the world and politics?
  • A Good Comics for laughs and relatable content: Be Everything at once by Dami Lee [comic book]
  • Monstress Book 1 by Majorie Liu [Fantasy Graphic Novel collection]: The art is beautiful! And the story line is interesting too.
  • The Inheritance of Orquidea Divina by Zoradia cordova.[Audio book] Magic realism is the reason i am recommending this book and also the narrator. Frankie Corzo did a wonderful job narrating this book and the story is intriguing enough to make you seat and listen with a cup of cocoa!

Bonus Entry: Feeding the Soul ( Because its my business) by Tabitha Brown: If you are looking for some inspiration to start this new year pick this audio book up. Tabitha’s Voice is soothing and she offers sage advice for life.

See anything that caught your interest? If you have scribd you can go ahead and start listening/reading some of these books. If you don’t Click here => 60 days free! For a free 60 days subscription.

What Podcast, audio books or books would you recommend to me to read this year? Leave them in the comments below.

Until next time,

As Always,

Nelo- The Booked Unicorn